Why Email Marketing Is Important For Service-Based Businesses

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Why Email Marketing Is Important for Service-Based Businesses

Email marketing is a great way to connect with potential customers.

It’s an inexpensive and easy way of generating new leads, driving traffic back to your website, and keeping in touch with current clients. In this blog post, we will share why email marketing is important for service-based businesses – as well as tips on how to build your email list!

Email Marketing is Important

The Purpose of Email Marketing

The purpose of email marketing is to connect with potential customers and get them interested in your product or service. There are many benefits for service-based businesses who use email marketing, including:

  • Generating new leads from a continual stream of prospects;
  • Driving traffic back to their website;
  • Keeping clients up to date with new offers and updates.

Generating New Leads for Your Service-Based Business

A key component of email marketing is building an engaged list so you can stay connected with potential prospects A few tips to generate new leads for a service-based business:

  • Share an offer on social media channels, such as Facebook ads;
  • Generate email content that people would be interested in, like how-to articles and reviews of products they may not have heard about before;
  • Send out emails periodically highlighting the value you provide – why should someone hire your company? What makes you special? Keep the reader engaged by including weekly updates on what is happening at their organization.

Driving Traffic Back to Your Website

A part of your email marketing strategy should include ways to drive traffic back to your website. This is important because a large percentage of customers will need to visit your website multiple times before they make a purchase.

If you can drive traffic to your website, it may increase your conversion rates, since your email list will be a warmer audience.

Keeping Clients up to Date

Email marketing can also help keep current clients up to date with new offers and news relevant to their needs! This can be beneficial for your business because you can be more targeted in your marketing efforts and drive those interested customers back to your site.

The Power of Email Marketing

Email marketing campaigns are a powerful tool for your business. They will help you to start conversations with your customers and increase customer engagement.

You can start a conversation with potential clients by creating an email list for them. This way you can build your know, like, and trust factor through regular emails. Adding value and authority through consistent outreach is crucial for nurturing your customer base.

Your audience receives tens of thousands of messages a day. From emails to social media, they couldn’t possibly read, nonetheless act on all of them. Email marketing gives you a better chance to be read. And by offering exclusive valuable content that connects readers more deeply to your brand, you increase the likelihood that they will engage with you over your competitors.

Why Email Marketing Is Effective

Email marketing is an effective tool for service-based businesses because of its ability to help you connect with your customers. With email marketing, you can create a list of people interested in what you offer and build an ongoing relationship with them.

This way, when it’s time for the customer to make a purchase decision they will likely choose you because they already know who you are and trust what they hear from your company.

The right content strategy is vital for service-based companies as well as any brand looking to grow their reach through email marketing campaigns. One effective tactic is sending out weekly or monthly newsletters that feature valuable information pertaining directly to the industry niche on which your business focuses.

Email Remains One of the Most Important Marketing Tools

All marketing strategies should be working together to build brand awareness and grow the business. With that said, email remains one of the most powerful tools in your digital marketing toolkit.

According to HubSpot Research, Global Survey, Nov-Dec 2019, 78% of marketers have seen an increase in email management over the past 12 months. Email ROI is increasing as consumers prefer connecting with brands through emails.

Consumers always have their mobile phones in hand and can check their email immediately through their mobile devices. Email is one way to ensure that your consumers don’t miss out on any updates from you. (analytico.ca)

A huge advantage of email campaigns for your business is that it has a better chance of reaching your target audience without spending more money.

Email Subscribers More Important Than Social Media Followers

Email subscribers are more important than social media followers. With email, you can target your audience in a much more specific way and ensure that they’re receiving updates on the products or services that interest them most.

You may find it difficult to give away freebies through Facebook ads because of the low return rate for such promotions. Since your email list is traffic that you “own,” the return on investment grows month after month.

On top of this, using an opt-in form where visitors agree to subscribe to receive email messages from your site means that there’s already been some level of commitment made before they even start viewing content.

Reaching out via email is also easier as people usually have time during their daily routine to check their inboxes without having hour-long interruptions, like with social networks.

If you’re a service-based business, email marketing may be the best way to market your services. You can choose how often they hear from you and what type of offers are sent out.

The success of your business is determined by sales, not traffic or social media followers (Forbes). By focusing on the email messages you are talking directly to people who have made at least a minor commitment to your business. Meaning they are more likely to engage and convert.

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Email Marketing Services That Are Simple to Use for a Beginner

Mailchimp is a popular email service provider (ESP) that makes it easy to create and send emails. They also have templates with drag-and-drop features, making it simple for beginners like you to use.

For those of us who are more advanced in our understanding of email marketing but still want something simple, there’s Aweber or ConvertKit.

I do not suggest advanced email marketing software like ActiveCampaign or Ontraport for beginners, because of the steep learning curve.

When looking for an email marketing tool as a beginner, the most important factor should be ease of use.

Final Thoughts on Why Email Marketing Is Important for Service-Based Businesses

Email marketing is one of the most important tools for service-based businesses. Why? Because it’s a way to stay in touch with customers and potential customers without having to spend money on advertising or other forms of outreach. For this, you need an email list that people have opted into by providing their contact information (like name and email address).

You also want your content to be compelling enough that they’ll open up every message you send them. Finally – don’t forget about setting clear expectations! Your subscribers should know what type of emails they can expect from you before signing up for your list. 

Ready to start growing your business through the smart use of email marketing? Let’s create a marketing plan that will grow your business quickly and with ease.

Why Email Marketing Is Important for Service-Based Businesses
Decorative: Alexandria Cox

What's Up Buttercup?
I'm Alexandria

Long story short, I understand what it’s like to try a million different complicated strategies with tech that never seems to do what you want. That’s why I provide a clear plan of action to get more clients for purpose-driven coaches and consultants so that they can feel empowered, gain clarity, and add hours back to their day.

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