Best Practices to follow for effective website copywriting

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Best Practices to Follow for Effective Website Copywriting

When reading online, people read words differently than when reading printed materials. Instead of reading line by line, website visitors scan the page for phrases or keywords that strike their eye. Online users do this because they’re usually on a journey to find an answer to a question they’ve posed. 

People don’t have time or patience to read any more than is absolutely necessary. This is especially important for informational pages on your website, such as your services pages, “about us” section, industries you serve, and contact pages. 

That’s why professional services firms come in to improve the readability of website copy. They format web copy so that it can be easily scanned by users. See, if consumers spend the majority of their time reading text for information, how you format your text can make a great difference.

The following paragraphs show you some of the best copywriting practices marketing strategists follow when creating website content.

Pay Attention to Your Headlines

Headlines that are well-written serve as a page’s informal outline. The use of headings that summarize the content of the paragraphs allows the user to understand what the section is about before deciding whether or not to read it.

Use Bullet Points When Necessary

Bulleted lists improve readability and make it easier for people to absorb and remember information. Almost any collection of elements separated by commas can be formatted as a bulleted list.

Write Short Paragraphs

Long paragraphs are difficult to scan because they are thick. If you go through a big paragraph again, you’ll usually always be able to discover a point where it could be split into two paragraphs. This makes it easy for the user to comprehend the information.

Load Important Information First

Begin with the most important content for your audience, then add specifics as needed. An inverted pyramid is a term used in journalism to describe this technique. By doing this, you provide the customer the option to quit reading at any point but still leave with the primary point of the page.

Make Key Terms and Phrases Stand Out

You may make it easier for the user to locate key terms and phrases inside a paragraph of material by using text formatting tools like bolding or highlighting. It’s crucial to note, though, that if you employ this strategy too often, it might become distracting and ineffective.

Edit Out Unnecessary Words

Software developer and author Steve Krug helpfully advised, “Get rid of half the words on each page, then get rid of half of what’s left.” Web text must be concise, unlike traditional writing. You can usually eliminate roughly half of the words on a web page without losing any information. 

By removing unneeded words, you may not only shorten the document but also make the material more visible and easier to scan.


It’s important to know your audience before applying these techniques and audience-appropriate language so that the user can quickly skim and comprehend the material. Examine your own professional services firm website now that you’re armed with these website copywriting best practices. Find out if the website copy they provide reflects the mentioned guidelines.

If you still haven’t found the right digital marketing consultant for your brand, look no further than Alexandria Taylor Cox. We are a certified marketing strategist dedicated to making you feel confident and empowered about your marketing strategy. Book a consultation with us to know how we can help your brand.

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I'm Alexandria

Long story short, I understand what it’s like to try a million different complicated strategies with tech that never seems to do what you want. That’s why I provide a clear plan of action to get more clients for purpose-driven coaches and consultants so that they can feel empowered, gain clarity, and add hours back to their day.

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