7 Important Reasons To Be Thankful For Emails

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7 Important Reasons Why You Should Be Thankful for Emails

When the pandemic began, the volume of inbound and outbound emails had tripled, according to the Litmus 2021 State of Email Report. This may be primarily because, as most people are staying at home and online, marketers also tend to respond to people accordingly and as frequently as possible. The engagement rate remains high, but not higher than before, even if the email use has increased tremendously.

Emails continue to be one of the top marketing channels because of their effectiveness. This is why 79 percent of marketers include email in their top 3 marketing channels.

So why should you be thankful for emails, exactly? Here are seven reasons why.


What’s great about emails is that you can personalize them depending on your customers. In fact, 80 percent of them say that they are more probably going to buy from a brand that personalizes their approach. This is great because using emails allows businesses to personalize their content so they can convey their message personally and specifically to their customers.

Targeted Audience

Using emails, you are able to create an audience segmentation of both online and offline factors. These factors include customer behavior, demographics, and emporographics (sets of characteristics to segment prospect organizations), adding the quality of data, which makes the segmentation even more targeted and effective.


What’s great about emails is that they can easily adapt to changes, depending on what kind of email campaigns you want to execute for your brand. You can also put any digital files you want to incorporate on each of your email campaigns. You can easily schedule your emails any time you want them to be sent. 


Emails are trackable. This means that when your potential or existing customers opened your email, then your provider can digitally track what time and what day the person opened it. You can also tell which personalized links were clicked (and which ones weren’t) attached to your email, giving you a better insight on which campaign works and what you can include to create a more personalized email campaign.

You can also do A/B testing to give you insights into what works for your target audience and which campaigns they are most interested in. In fact, one report mentioned that over 65 percent of marketers are using at least two email versions, and about 16 percent are using four or more.


Emails are also scalable, as it allows you to expand for the latest technology and higher reach of customer acquisition so you can get the job done faster and easier.


According to that same report, email marketing will make a huge investment by integrating emails with various marketing channels, which will make emails become more important as customer expectations continue to increase. 

This report also expressed that programmatic marketing campaigns can help leverage your email marketing as you heighten your potential customer’s excitement and interest using a display ad and then follow up with an email.

Gives Substance

Through emails, you can create both long and short forms of content. You can also incorporate many digital files as well as multiple links within one email. Compared to social ads with just a single call to action, you can create more CTAs and choices using just one email.

There is a need for companies to establish their brand purpose, create invaluable customer experience, and align with their customers’ values. Through emails, you are able to address these needs to convey a strong message to your customers and share purposeful and more substantial content.

Boost Success

Email marketing is very critical to the success of companies, according to over 41 percent of the respondents in another report. More than 90 percent say that emails are somewhat critical since before the pandemic ever started.

And part of this success comes from emails delivering viable data-driven results.


Emails have been giving businesses opportunities to leverage their brand since then and now more than ever. They can be personalized, targeted, tracked, scaled, adapted, integrated with other channels, and even build people’s interests so you can build a solid relationship with your customers.

Alexandria Taylor Cox is the certified product launch strategist you need to maximize. Let’s plan your emails so we can convert more clients into paying customers. Let’s talk about your ideas and how we can help you.

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Long story short, I understand what it’s like to try a million different complicated strategies with tech that never seems to do what you want. That’s why I provide a clear plan of action to get more clients for purpose-driven coaches and consultants so that they can feel empowered, gain clarity, and add hours back to their day.

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