What You Should Do to Create Lead Magnets

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What You Should Do to Create Lead Magnets

It’s a reality that we have little influence over the number of website visitors who do not close sales. Fortunately, we can have complete control over the quality of our goods and how we collect lead information! However, in a modern world where content is king, we must also find the pocket where lead magnets fit.

Lead magnets all have one thing in common: they have a high perceived value. With lead magnets, you generate interest in your company’s brand and increase the size of your database of marketable clients. 

By now, you must be wondering: what kind of lead magnets should you create? In our years of experience working with clients from various industries, we’ve discovered four of the most effective lead magnet types: checklists, infographics, free trials, and guides. 

So without further ado, here’s what you should do to create lead magnets for your business:

1. Appropriately Fulfill a Demand

Determine an unmet need in your industry. For example, many of your clients are unable to start and maintain a blog. Due to this, you must leverage your writing skills and some blogging experience to develop a lead magnet for them.

2. Do Your Homework

A lead magnet will not attract clients or develop your email list if it lacks content. Appropriate research is required to create high-quality content. Consider holding conversations among coworkers, conferring with industry colleagues, cooperating with specialists, cautious yet thorough online research, and stay on your main topic. 

Following your research, decide what is necessary and what you would like to add. After you’ve done your homework, you’ll finally be equipped to write!

3. Assess Your Design

The design aspect of your business can make or break your content. Note that you risk losing prospective clients if your lead magnet is difficult to read or has a distracting appearance. So, you must constantly assess your design’s flow towards the direction that can assist the reader in digesting information.

4. Utilize and Optimize Social Media

You must advertise your lead magnet on social media after you have launched it. Additionally, craft and tailor messages that are exclusive to each platform. For example, Twitter should include hashtags and a teaser. LinkedIn, on the other hand, would also be preferably written in a professional tone. 

Varieties of Lead Magnets

Blogs should provide value to your content while also enticing casual readers to discover more about your company. So, without further ado, let’s have a look at the three best varieties of lead magnets!

1. Checklist

A checklist standardizes a technique, making it possible for anybody to complete it. This is a great lead magnet since it removes all uncertainty. Individuals can physically walk through the steps, crossing them off as they go.

2. Infographic

An infographic is a visual depiction of data and information. Because the data is easily absorbed, this functions as a lead magnet. Data that was previously incomprehensible has been converted into visually appealing and instructive content. Infographics engage more people on social media than any other source of content!

3. Free Trial

Anyone interested in a product can request a free trial by submitting their email address. This method is effective when a prospect believes that a product will save them time and increase productivity. As is often the case in sales, Leads will gladly give over their contact information in exchange for a free software download.

4. Guide

Guides are a common and highly successful form of lead generation. They can help your buyer persona solve an issue, establish an opinion, or assess demand. Finally, a good lead magnet gives value to your target demographic, making them inclined to share their contact information.


With the vast and rapidly-growing digital landscape today, it’s essential to keep up with the times. One of the ways to do this is to study and carefully execute lead magnets for your business. With the right strategy, your success will soar even beyond the confines of your target audience!

Are you looking for a digital marketing consultant? Alexandria Taylor Cox is a qualified launch and tech strategist passionate about funnel testing, tweaking, and optimization. With my services, you can avoid a myriad of complex techniques involving technology that never appears to do what you want. My services are designed to assist creative entrepreneurs in launching their digital firms using straightforward tactics. Get started and book a call today!

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Long story short, I understand what it’s like to try a million different complicated strategies with tech that never seems to do what you want. That’s why I provide a clear plan of action to get more clients for purpose-driven coaches and consultants so that they can feel empowered, gain clarity, and add hours back to their day.

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