What are the benefits of having multiple lead magnets

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What Are the Benefits of Having Multiple Lead Magnets?

A lead magnet is important in building your customer base and generating more income. These lead magnets can come in different forms and can entice different types of customers.

However, most businesses and people settle for only one lead magnet, thinking this is enough. But what if we tell you that having more than one lead magnet is an option with excellent outcomes? In this article, we will discuss the benefits of having multiple lead magnets and why you should do it.

1. Appeal to Different Customers

While you may have one target market that may be composed of similar people, this does not mean they have the same tastes. Some lead magnets like free subscriptions would appeal more than newsletters to others. Having multiple lead magnets will allow you to appeal to different customers’ tastes, increasing your chances of conversion.

2. Better SEO

With multiple lead magnets, you can create various landing pages that you can then optimize with keywords. This will then be useful for your search engine optimization (SEO) and help you increase your rank greatly.

3. Better Market Segmentation

The purpose of the lead magnet is to actually generate a list of leads and segment them into your target market. However, with just one lead magnet, you will end up with one general list. While creating a generic marketing strategy, such as a mass email is common practice, you can do better.

With multiple lead magnets, you are able to have a better and more specific market segmentation. 

4. Improve Chances of a Sale

The more interactions a lead has with your business, the more likely they will be converted. With multiple lead magnets, you increase your options for interactions with your target market, which then increases your chances of a sale. As long as you can continuously meet their expectations and appeal to them, a sale should be underway soon.

5. Diverse Solutions to Diverse Problems

As mentioned before, customers are different and may have different needs and problems. With multiple lead magnets, you can create solutions for the different needs of each customer. You may also reach them at different points in their venture before conversion to your business, making different lead magnets appealing for them.

6. Evergreen Content

The idea of evergreen content is that it is content that never goes out of date. While there are many topics or content surrounding this, there may be content that are more trending than others, which would go out of style soon.

With multiple lead magnets, you do not have to worry about choosing one or the other—you can cater to both evergreen content and trending content. Just make sure to choose content that is relevant to you and your business.


Multiple lead magnets may seem like a lot of work, but the payoff and benefits you get from it are all worth it. You get to appeal to your diverse audience, create better market segmentation, improve your SEO efforts, and increase your chances of a sale while maintaining relevant content. With multiple lead magnets, you are creating better opportunities for your business. Create more lead magnets, and you will be reaping the benefits soon enough!

If you need some help in creating lead magnets, I, Alexandria Taylor Cox, would be glad to help you with that. I am a marketing strategist who provides a clear plan to get new clients for health and wellness coaches so that they can feel empowered, gain clarity, and add hours back to their day. Work with me today to help reach your business goals.

Decorative: Alexandria Cox

What's Up Buttercup?
I'm Alexandria

Long story short, I understand what it’s like to try a million different complicated strategies with tech that never seems to do what you want. That’s why I provide a clear plan of action to get more clients for purpose-driven coaches and consultants so that they can feel empowered, gain clarity, and add hours back to their day.

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